Firming Your Foundation
Study Outline: Church Growth as a Group
prepared by David G. Churchill

I. Reasons people give why they become/grow interested in any church

     A. Survey in Why people join the church, ©1979, Edward Rouff (Lutheran)
          1. “The influence of Christian people”   [P]
          2. “Family relationships & responsibilities”   [N S]
          3. “The search for community”   [P N]
          4. “Personal crisis”   [N S]
          5. “A feeling of emptiness”   [P N]
          6. “The end of rebellion” {against God, church, religion, etc.}   [N S]
          7. “The journey toward truth”   [P N S]
          8. “The response to evangelism”   [P S]
          9. “The reaction to guilt and fear”   [P N S]
          10. “God’s kairos” {i.e. God’s appointed/proper time}   [S]
          11. “Church Visit, Program, Special Event, Sacred Act”   [P]
          12. “Influence of pastors”   [P]
     B. My assessment of survey:
          1. 8 reasons involve People
          2. 7 reasons involve unfilled Needs
          3. 7 reasons involve a personal decision to Seek out God / church
     C. My experience: People become attracted to what the church has to offer when they
          (1) see our members sharing, enjoying, & benefitting from what the church offers AND
          (2) realize they desire that benefit for themselves;  i.e. when they want what we got.
     D. What does the church have to offer? (partial list based on Ephesians 3)
          1. Share in the dispensation of God’s grace… v.2
          2. Understanding of knowledge in the mystery of Christ… v.4,5
          3. Fellow heirs, members, and partakers of Christ’s promise through gospel… v.6
          4. A ministry (i.e. a purpose; a responsibility; a service to fulfill)… v.7
          5. Benefit from the gifts of the grace of God… v.7
          6. The unsearchable riches of Christ… v.8
          7. The fellowship/stewardship of the revealed mystery… v.9
          8. Participate in fulfilling God’s intent… v.10
          9. Make known the manifold wisdom of God… v.10-11
          10. Act according to God’s eternal purpose… v.11
          11. Boldness and access with confidence in Christ… v.12
          12. Urging to take courage… v.13
          13. Reason to worship God… v.14
          14. The name of Christ v.14-15
          15. Strength with might in the inner man according to riches of God’s glory… v.16
          16. Dwelling with Christ… v.17
          17. A grounding in love and a knowledge of the love of Christ… v.17,19
          18. Comprehension and unity… v.18
          19. Fullness of God… v.19
          20. Exceedingly abundant help from God… v.20
          21. God’s power working in us… v.20 (v.7)
          22. Sharing with Jesus in giving glory to God… v.21

II. Some hinderances to church growth
     A. False labeling toward oneself or others in church
          1. “I’m too stupid” or “I’m not smart enough”
          2. “I can’t do anything” or “I can’t do that”
          3. “I’m not as religious/righteous as so&so”
          4. “I’m more religious/righteous than so&so”
          5. “I’m too old” or “I’m too young”
          6. “I can’t do what God asks of me”
          7. “I’m too sinful to begin/do/be righteous”
     B. Rudeness (i.e. being inconsiderate/unthinking/unthoughtful)
     C. Spiritual “malnutrition”
          1. Lack of true knowledge / understanding
          2. Lack of heart/passion
          3. Lack of hunger/thirst for righteousness
          4. Lack of proper practice/exercise
          5. Lack of proper rest
          6. Lack of fellowship
          7. Lack of example
          8. Lack of modesty / humility
     D. Poor estimation of God, church, fellow Christians, self, the lost
     E. Shortage of healthy peer pressure “
convince, rebuke, exhort” – 2 Tim. 4:2 NKJV
     F. “Applies to everyone and you, but not me” attitude
     G. Poor relations in the church {see “When I Put Me Before Us, I Makes A Mess”}
     *** If people see these problems, will they conclude we have a lack of unity, love, and sacrifice?

III. The church will grow when we evangelize the way Jesus showed us:
     A. Proclaiming & teaching the good news in private & in public
     B. Letting the attractiveness and likeness of God shine transparently through us
          (John 12:49-50; 14:8-21; 1 Cor. 11:1; Gal. 2:20; Eph. 2:6-10;5:1-2,8-10)
     C. Looking alertly for and serving those people who are seeking God (Luke 19:10)
     D. Presenting ourselves thoughtfully, openly, & informed and being approachable

IV. Be alert about results of church growth

     A. Leaders / examples / role models / elders
     B. Bigger is different
     C. Building
     D. Resistance/persecution from outside and inside the church
     E. Sin {see “Jonah Syndrome”}
     F. Waiting for each other

V. Some attitudes that encourage church growth (worded as memory kickers)
     A. “Quality = conformance to customer requirements
          (Psalm 119; Hos. 4:6; Acts 4:18-20; 1 Tim. 4:1-3,6,10,15-16)
     B. “Am I taller yet?
          (Ecc. 12:13-14; Matt. 4:4; 5:6; Rom. 10:17; 2 Pet. 1:3-11; Jude 20-21)
     C. “More salt, please
          (Matt. 5:13; Rom. 15:1-7; Gal. 6:1-10; Phil. 2:19-30; Heb. 10:24-25)
     D. John F. Kennedy: “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
          (Ezek. 33:30-33; Rom. 12:3-21; Phil. 2:1-4; 2 Cor. 8:24; 9:7; 1Thess. 5:11-22; 1 Pet.2:2; 1 John 11; Jude 22-23)
     E. Einstein: “E=mc²” {Christian = m
e x God³}
          (Matt. 4:10; 21:18-22; 16:19; Mark 10:27-30; 11:12-14,19-26; John 11:25-26; 16:1,33; Acts 2:37-41; Rom. 8:26-28,31,37-39; 2 Cor. 9:8; Phil. 4:13; Eph. 11-20; 1 Thess. 5:8-10)
     F. Winston Churchill: “We will fight on the land, we will fight in the air, we will fight on the sea; and we will never, never, never give up.
          (Heb. 4:12; Eph. 6:12-20; Rom. 13:12-14; 1 Thess. 5:8-15; Heb. 10:35-39; Psalm 91; Rev. 1:16, 2:12-16, 19:15-21)
     G. Uffda Brudders: “I believe He died for me, so I believe I’ll live for Him. I may not do it right, but I’m going try. Where ever He may take me, it’s better than where I’ve been.
          (Isaiah chapter 59; James 5:13-20)

      © David G. Churchill; used by permission. rev:03xxxx-150608
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      Unless otherwise noted, “Scripture taken from the NEW KING JAMES VERSION.  Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.  Used by permission.  All rights reserved.”
      This article’s presentation in Exploring God's Word ©2003 David G. Churchill.
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