You Can Know You Have Eternal Life
#8 – Marvelous Design implies a Marvelous Designer (5)
How does “Life” begin?
by Jim Mettenbrink

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     The essence of existence on Earth is the mysterious and elusive force – “life.”  Several decades ago, headlines declared that scientists had “created life,” but investigation revealed that they had actually learned to stimulate cell growth of tissue apart from a living organism.  “Life” itself was not created!  “Where does life come from?” is the grand question, evading a scientific answer.

     The ancient Greeks observed maggots appearing in meat, thus thought “life” was generated spontaneously.  In the mid-1800s Louis Pasteur dispelled the spontaneous generation theory, proving that living microorganisms do not suddenly occur from inanimate chemicals.  His peers disagreed with him, but offered no contrary proof.  In the late 1800s, spontaneous generation of life from nonliving chemicals was the only way scientists explained the origin of life.  It is still the consensus among scientists, even though the process has never been observed or plausibly explained.

     In 1924, Soviet Communist Oparin asserted that a simple cell “randomly and spontaneously generated” from nothing.  Since atheist principles undergirded Oparin’s theory, it was not generally well received, but a fellow communist from Cambridge gave it exposure to the western scientific community.  All that evolutionists needed now was some circumstantial evidence suggesting that “it could have happened” without a supreme being – God.

     In 1953 Miller and Urey attempted to show how a one-celled organism could create itself alive, “by chance,” from non-living chemicals in a primordial soup. Their experiment formed amino acids, but not a one-celled organism and certainly not “life.”  Indeed, just to expect a mere 100 amino acids to self-arrange in a specific order to build protein necessary for cell formation was deemed mathematically impossible.*
     In 1929, Professor D.M.S. Watson of the University of London stated: “Evolution itself is accepted by zoologists, not because it has been observed to occur or can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true, but because the only alternative, special creation, is clearly incredible.”  Some 40 years (1990s) later Miller sadly admitted they had not had the slightest notion how complex “simple organisms” really are.  If such chemical formation of a cell could occur by chance as Miller asserted, they are still dead compounds – No life!  None of evolutionists’ experiments tell us where “life” comes from.

     We plant a seed, it sprouts and grows, giving evidence of life.  Cut the seed in half and where is the life force?  Plant the two halves and they rot in the ground – dead!  No life!  Where did “life” come from and where did it go?  “Life” is a mystery – the origin of which is undiscovered by science.  Some 3500 years ago, Moses wrote, “
For life of the flesh is in the blood,” (Old Testament, Leviticus 17:11), “Its [animal or bird] blood sustains its life” (Leviticus 17:14).  If we drain the blood out of a creature, it dies.  If you restore the blood to the creature, it is still dead.  Where did the essence of “life” go?  The Bible begins “In the beginning God created....” (Bible, Genesis 1:1).  He created literally everything by speaking the universe into existence (Genesis 1:1-28).  “The Lord God formed man...and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.” (Genesis 2:7).  Where did the “life essence”come from, by mere chance from non-life by itself?  Or from a supremely intelligent and all-powerful God?

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     * EGW editor’s note:  For further exploration into the statistical impossibility of life evolving from the “primordial soup”, please read David Churchill’s article ““If evolution is a fact, then why does my pop go flat?”

      © Jim Mettenbrink; used by permission. rev.04xx-04xx-200407
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