You Can Know You Have Eternal Life
#17 – God’s Standard for Mankind (1)
The Bible, the Most Unique Book
by Jim Mettenbrink

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     Having been translated into over 2000 languages and being the best selling book in the world, the Bible is probably the most well known book among mankind, yet most people know very little about it and even fewer study it, let alone know it.  To say the least of it, The Bible, a book without preface, foreword, table of contents or subjects, conclusion or biographical info of the writers (some of whom are anonymous), is most unique among all books that have ever been read by men.
     The Bible contains scientific information, but is not a science book; it has history, even the most complete history of any ancient nation – Israel – yet it is not a history book; it contains medical information, but is not a medical manual; a significant portion is dedicated to law and legal procedures, however it is not book of jurisprudence; it has a section of songs and prayers, although it is neither song book nor prayer manual; it has areas giving practical advice, but it is not a mere book of wisdom; it pages are filled with prophecy, but it is erroneous to assert that is its theme; it contains real people, places and events, thus it can not be categorized as fiction.  The books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are often called the Life of Jesus of Nazareth, but are in no way biographies.  One wonders what is the purpose of such a book containing information and instruction on a variety of subjects.
     The Bible’s structure and writing style are no less quizzical than the variety of its contents.  Much is written in narrative prose, some in a mysterious symbolism (apocalyptic style), whereas considerable sections are written in Hebrew poetry, or as codified law.  Some sections are written as a thesis, others as letters, and still others as a chronology.  All point to its diversity, yet the Bible has a singular purpose.
     With no preface or apology, the Bible’s opening sentence begins, “
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1).  Certainly this is a most unusual way to begin a book – with no paragraph introducing who God is or anything about Him, except the statement of His unfathomable power as the Creator.  This remarkable first statement points to the unusualness of the book itself.  Indeed the Bible is a most uniquely written book that has commanded the world’s attention for two millenia.

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      © Jim Mettenbrink; used by permission. rev.04xx-120313
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