You Can Know You Have Eternal Life
#25 – God’s Standard for Mankind (9)
Is the Bible Inspired by God?
by Jim Mettenbrink

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     In the previous articles, we considered whether the Bible meets the legal tests of evidence as being “authentic” and “credible.”  Simon Greenleaf, author of the classic reference on rules of evidence, said the New Testament testimony of Jesus was irrefutable.  But is God the Bible’s author?  If so, how do we know?  The Bible states that it is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16), but is there evidence that proves it?
     The word inspiration in the original New Testament Greek means “God breathed,” meaning that God is the author of every thought and word.  Reading the Bible, we observe that divine inspiration used the vocabulary and style of the Bible’s 40 writers.  Is there evidence that proves the Bible is actually from God and not man?
     Evidence of divine inspiration would have to be of an extraordinary nature for us to conclude that the Bible is from God.  Confirmation of inspiration is by three means: (1) internal evidence of the Bible itself, (2) the testimony of Jesus of Nazareth and (3) archaeology.
     Regarding internal evidence, the Bible reveals some most interesting scientific facts.  Two considerations draw attention to these facts.  First the date of the biblical record is centuries, if not millenia, before the scientific community discovered them.  Second, the fact stated in the Bible was either unknown to that contemporary society or the opposite of what was commonly believed at the time the biblical account was written.  All ancient writings, including the sacred and religious writings, contained information about medicine, astronomy, geology and meteorology.  However all of them excepting the Bible, contained errors, which were primarily from ignorance.
     Internal evidence of inspiration of the Bible is revealed by Old Testament prophecy.  Predictive prophecy was stated, then fulfilled hundreds or a thousand years later.  Unlike the so-called prophecies of Nostradamus which are so general in nature that each prophecy has dozens of possible fulfillments, biblical prophecy was uniquely specific that ultimately permitted, only one future fulfillment.
     The testimony of Jesus Himself confirms biblical inspiration.  That He is the supreme authority of the scriptures is evident as He criticized the people of His day for their religious error, for their disregard for the scriptures and the prophets (e.g. Matthew 22:29; 23:37; Luke 4:24-28; 11:48-53; 24:25).  Surely if the Old Testament had errors, He would have pointed that out.  Jesus’ testimony regarding scripture is based on Him being deity (we will prove His deity in later articles, which in-turn will validate His testimony).
     Skeptics and atheists challenge the accuracy of the Bible, hence its inspiration, by pointing out that there are no records of certain civilizations, kings, countries, etc. In the last 160 years, the archaeological spade has repeatedly revealed the accuracy of the Biblical record.  Subsequent articles will set forth some of the evidence so you can be assured the Bible is the inspired word of God.

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      © Jim Mettenbrink; used by permission. rev.04xx-04xx
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      This article’s presentation in Exploring God's Word ©2004 David G. Churchill.
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