With an Open Mind

     [EGW editor’s preface: This interesting article was harvested from the Internet by George Sinkie and he later submitted it to me to consider. Not knowing the author’s name or original publication date, I thought it best to include the article in this feature column as opposed to other feature columns where I am more familiar with the authors.  The Scripture quotations appear to be from the American Standard Version, 1901 edition.  You may prefer to look them up in a newer translation… my personal preferences for Bible translations in English are the New American Standard Bible and the New King James Version.  If you are familiar with either this article’s author or publishing information, please let me know so I can properly credit this material.
     If you have not yet read the editor’s note defining and caveating the purpose of the With an Open Mind column, please do so at this time before continuing with the article.]

The Forgotten Aspect of Marriage
by [unknown]

     In the great controversy over marriage, divorce and remarriage, we so often neglect the fact that marriage is a solemn promise… a commitment of a man and a women to each other… taken before God, for life.  Even if it were not governed by special edicts given by God (which it is), it would be sinful to break such a covenant.

     The concept of honoring one’s commitments is a clearly taught principle throughout the scriptures.  As an example: “
Though it be a man’s covenant, yet when it hath been confirmed, no one maketh it void, nor addeth thereto” (Galatians 3:15).  However, marriage is much more than just a “man’s covenant” (Matthew 19: 6).
     Once the sin of breaking such a covenant is committed, how does one get back into a proper relationship with God?  Whether a person is a Christian or not, the sin must be repented of.  This means that there must be godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 11: 9-11) and every effort to eliminate any and all negative effects caused by the sin itself.
     Jesus stated that even our “
gifts at the altar” are meaningless if our brother has aught* against us (Mat. 5:23-24).  We are to resolve these problems first.  How much more are we to resolve problems with the one with whom we have become one flesh (Genesis 2: 24).

     The family is the most elemental building block of our society.  The creation of new life is entrusted by God to a legitimate family unit and that alone.  This is so important that God went well beyond the considerations given above to provide us additional guidance:  Mat. 5: 31-32; 19:1-9; 1 Cor. 7; Hebrews 13: 4, etc.
     Those contemplating marriage should give this their most serious consideration.  Marriage is for life.  If you are not able to accept this, cancel your plans until you can.

     Those who are keeping this commitment, give thanks to God for his excellent design, and recognize how blessed you are in abiding within God’s law.  Wives: honor your husbands; husbands: love your wives (Ephesians 5: 22-33).
     If you are not abiding by God’s law, recognize what havoc that you are wreaking against yourself, your family, society and, most importantly, God.  “
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6:7).     

      * EGW editor’s note:  The Greek word ASV translates as “aught” in Matthew 5:23 is translated as “something” by the NASB and NKJV… i.e. “there remember that your brother has something against you,… .
      EGW editor’s preface, rev: 150511
      This article’s presentation in Exploring God's Word ©2015 David G. Churchill.
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