You Can Know You Have Eternal Life
669 – Man's Search for Inner Peace (83)
Honorable Citizenship in Jesus’ Kingdom (5)
by Jim Mettenbrink

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     The honorable citizen in Jesus kingdom is commanded to love.  This love begins with loving the king Himself.  Jesus said – "
If you love Me, keep My commandments" (John 14:15; 1 John 5:3).  The last article pointed out love is not tolerant of sin.  Our 21st century cultural brainwash is, if you oppose immorality it is hate (equating hate with intolerance).  And many imagine opposing sin as being mean spirited – being rude and even tyrannical by challenging this reigning Humanist doctrine of moral relativism – everyone makes his own rules and changes them to satisfy one's own selfish will.

     From the viewpoint of sin as God defines it and what constitutes love, we are dismayed at people's ignorance, gullibility and consequent rebellion against God.  To put down those who set forth biblical standards of conduct, faithful Christians are painted as intolerant and hateful haters.  How does the honorable citizen respond to his fellow man's charge of hate?

     The apostle Paul listed the nine supreme traits of citizens of Jesus kingdom (Christians), putting love at the head of the list (Galatians 5:22).  He wrote to the strife ridden and divisive congregation in Corinth, naming love as the supreme characteristic which each citizen must strive to attain (1 Corinthians 13:13).  He went on to list the qualities of love. Regarding a citizen's response to those opposing his intolerance of sin, love is not rude (1 Corinthians 13:5).  In fact, love is kind (verse 4).  Nor is love arrogant or demeaning (verses 4, 7).  Obviously, all of these rule out violence as a response.

     As the citizen matures in his love for his fellow man, he recognizes the sinful state of mankind – each of us.  Indeed, there are those who simply reject God and His standard, but most of the world live sinful lives in ignorance of God's will, failing to personally study God's word.

     The citizen realizes his responsibility to know God's word and to grow in faith and to truly love his fellow man.  Thus, he endures the ridicule because he opposes sin and never quits loving (1 Corinthians 13:7.8).  And certainly the loving citizen never rejoices about sin (verse 6), and never tolerates or endorses sin (Romans 1:32).  Jesus never gave sin a pass, nor endorsed it.  Neither can the honorable citizen of His kingdom (1 Corinthians 11:1).

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      © Jim Mettenbrink; used by permission. rev.151010
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