You Can Know You Have Eternal Life
#10 Marvelous Design implies a Marvelous Designer
Proof of the Creator, Dishonestly Denied
by Jim Mettenbrink
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Did God create man, or did man
create God? Scientific naturalism, the atheistic philosophy
of contemporary natural science, declares that man created God
a figment of his imagination! According to scientific
naturalism, nature is a closed system of material that can not
be influenced by some external force (God). The education
system and government have defined science as proceeding from
naturalistic premises. The scientific community has almost
exclusive authority in our society to define objective reality.
This means scientific naturalism is effectively the established
and government-sponsored religious philosophy of origin in America.
In short we have a self-causing and self-existent universe
void of the activity or influence of a supreme being God!
The media is a willing accomplice
in the propagation of scientific naturalism. The Associated
Press article, Genome of sea squirt offers clues to evolution
(Argus Leader, Dec 13, 2002), focused on the successful assembling
of 150 million DNA base pairs of the sea squirts genetics
structure. One researcher asserts that this gives a glimpse
of evolutions early history the first evolutionary
connection between invertebrates and vertebrates. Is this
scientist honest in his declaration?
Rarely, if ever, does the scientific
community acknowledge the possibility of a supreme creator. On
New Years 2000, a molecular biologist staying at a bed and breakfast
and was interviewed by owner, George Caylor (J) (journalist for
The Ledger, Lynchburg, VA). Here is an excerpt from that
interview regarding the biologists (B) DNA research.
J: Do you believe that
the information [JCM: DNA code] evolved?
B: George, nobody I know in my profession believes it evolved.
It was engineered by genius beyond genius,
and such information could not have been written any other way
J: Have you ever stated that in a public lecture, or in
any public writings?
B: No. I just say it evolved. To be a molecular
biologist requires one to hold on to two insanities at all times.
One, it would be insane to believe in evolution when you
can see the truth for yourself. Two, it would be insane
to say you dont believe in evolution. All government
work, research grants, papers, big college lectures everything
would stop. Id be out of a job, or relegated to the
outer fringes where I couldnt earn a decent living.
J: I hate to say it, but that sounds intellectually dishonest.
B: The work I do in genetic research is honorable. We
will find the cures to many of mankinds worst diseases.
But in the meantime, we have to live with the `elephant
in the living room.
J: What elephant?
B: Creation design! Its like an elephant in
the living room. It moves around, takes up an enormous
amount of space, loudly trumpets, bumps into us, knocks things
over, eats a ton of hay, and smells like an elephant. And
yet we have to swear it isnt there!
(By the way, by agreement the
molecular biologists name was not revealed by G. Caylor
so he would not lose his job).
more science understands DNA, the more it confirms a grand design
and, implicitly that it was created by a super intelligent designer
(God), but our atheistic-platformed scientific community does
not declare it to the world. Atheistic science is all about
the money, not truth!
However, the complexity of DNA
has given rise to the Intelligent Design Movement, where among
evolutionists themselves question how such a complex design as
DNA could come into existence by random chance. The
Psalmist wrote The
fool has said in his heart There is no God. They
are corrupt,
(Psalms 14:1); I
will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made
. Your
eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed,
(Psalms 139:14+16). Mere chance or deliberate design by
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